Max - I went to pick up my new addition to my furry family last weekend. Much thanks to Caitlyn and Matt for driving him down to Asheville for me. Crate training was a little rough the first few days and some stress-fueled diarrhea caused some grossness for a couple of days but overall he is just perfect. He just wants to cuddle and chew on his toys and nap. He is learning quickly and I will be getting him into puppy classes as soon as I wrap up his shots in a couple weeks.
My practicum supervisor - Since she wasn't at my initial interview, I hadn't met my practicum supervisor yet. I drove over to the gorgeous Hillsborough hospital campus on Tuesday to meet up with Dr. Dinoff. We have a ton in common, she has an underground background in art, went back to school to complete her graduate level work in her mid-30s, is really into ACT and zen mindfulness techniques in her practice, and she rescues pit bulls. She gave me a ton of tips on videos to watch and books to read before I come into work in the fall and I am so excited to work with her.
Gym progress - This is seriously the longest I have ever stuck to a gym routine. That may not seem like a big deal to most people but for me it's huge (seriously, I have had one-year contracts with gyms that I've only gone to maybe 15 times over the year). I am consistently there three days a week including one hour of personal training. Hoping to bump it up to four soon. Even though my mom and David had come for a visit and we ATE ALL THE THINGS and I was on my period and bloated, my personal training weigh-in still puts me down at lost pounds. I am getting consistently stronger, finding more stamina, and I'm seeing the results of the hard work. I am currently repeating week three of the Couch to 5K program because I was still struggling with three-minute intervals and it was the right decision and I'm feeling stronger and like I might be able to move up in the program soon.