I really miss the confident and active person I became. I really intended to keep being her when I returned to Chicago. I lost a lot of myself that year and I was miserable. I was in an abusive work environment that didn't pay enough to live in Chicago, let alone have any kind of life outside of work. And I was too emotionally burned out to get my head above water. I found myself getting swallowed up by my friends with stronger personalities. Everyone kept telling me who I should be, how I should be handling my life, which people I should spend my time with. And I disappeared. I stopped making plans, stopped returning text messages, and spent more and more nights shut away in my bedroom with my dogs. And at the end of a year, I left. I had big plans for deep academia, home ownership, regaining some of my lost confidence and rejoining the people who don't hide in their houses every weekend. I tried to make a clean break with my Chicago life. Cut off dating relationships. Put up stronger boundaries where they were needed. I didn't want anything to keep me anchored to a place that just wasn't working for me anymore.
The week before I moved, I tripped into a new relationship and lost the ability to close the door on that chapter of my life. At first, I really tried to set up a life back in Champaign. I got jobs. Eventually, I got an apartment. I made local friends and professional connections. But I spent the next three years living in two worlds and never having a foot firmly in either of them. I got a good job, the pandemic began, I got an apartment, I left my job and started my PhD program, I left my PhD program and found an even better job. And then everything went to hell. In a matter of just a few weeks, I had to put down my dog, my dad had a debilitating stroke, and I made the decision to stop trying to have a relationship with someone who wasn't putting in the effort. In a matter of a few days I found myself walled in by becoming my father's full-time caregiver when I should be exploring life outside the boundaries of intimate relationships.
It's been difficult to find balance with all of the changes. Most of my closest friends live a significant drive time away and several other relationships that I had previously thought were solid have been on shaky ground. I have difficulty trusting that people actually want to spend time with me and my rejection anxiety keeps me from reaching out to initiate plans. It's a terrible cycle of loneliness. And it's become more obvious that because I've spent so much of my life building my home in other people that it has become impossible for me to feel at home in any place. I moved into this apartment nearly four years ago and I have yet to hang most of my art on the walls. I left Chicago almost five years ago and I have yet to fully participate in a life where I am.
I'm trying. Trying to cook more at home and to get involved in my baking again. I'm finding ways to make my home feel more permanent than transitory. I'm looking for the right career goals that will help me move forward professionally. Clearly I've opened the door back up to writing again. And I've begun to explore my options to get back into hobbies that I care about: gymming, archery, judo, horseback riding, etc. I started by signing up for ballroom dance lessons. Some of them are a bit below my paygrade (I could really teach the beginning Swing lessons) but it's good to just move to music again and to new people. One rock step at a time.