Monday, October 14, 2013

Post-Emily Post: Show Your Friends Some Respect

It greatly saddens me when I see the way that people treat the other people that share this world with them. It is especially upsetting when they do this to the people they supposedly care about. So here are some things to think about when you are interacting with the people who mean the most to you.

be humble - You do not need to tell everyone how great you are. They know, that's why they love you and keep you in their lives. If they give you a compliment, thank them but don't feel the need to elaborate for them just how great it really was in case they weren't paying attention.

be grateful - If someone gives you a gift, even if it is something you didn't want or ask for or need, thank them. Especially if it is something homemade or that they obviously put a great amount of thought in. If someone cares enough to give you something personal, even when they can't necessarily afford to spend a lot of money on it, just be happy that you have someone like that in your life. If they did spend a lot of money on it, even if it's not particularly useful, be happy that someone loves you enough to give you their hard earned grocery money.

try not to bulldoze them in conversations - Some folks are a little quieter than others and it takes a lot of effort for them to speak up in a group setting. When they do, stop and listen because they probably have something important to say.

you don't know everything and you don't know more than everyone else - Everyone comes from different life experiences. There are 25 year olds who have more under their belt than some 50 year olds. However, no matter how much you know and how much you've been through, there is ALWAYS someone who knows something you don't. See above thought on being humble. If you sound like a know-it-all most of the time, people will eventually get tired of listening to you.

show integrity - Don't lie to or intentionally cheat or hurt your friends. Or anyone for that matter. But especially your friends. Most of them would do anything for you and there is nothing you could ever do to disappoint them more than this.

it's not all about you - Remember to stop and listen every once in awhile. Some people are quiet and more willing to listen than others but even they will get tired of never getting a word in. 

Overall, stop thinking about yourself all of the time and try to treat people with the same dignity, love, and respect that you would like to be treated with.

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