Thursday, June 12, 2014

anniversaries, my 100th blog

Let's go back to May 2010. I had been in Chicago for about eight months and I was miserable. Don't get me wrong, I loved my job and I was living somewhere that I had always wanted to live but I was desperately lonely. Most of the friends I had moved up to be closer to worked conflicting schedules with mine and my social anxiety made it difficult to branch out and find things to do with my time. I spent night after night sitting in my apartment chain smoking with a glass of wine in front of the Food Network and thinking about giving up and moving back home. Many times I would cry myself to sleep and shout out to whatever higher powers that be that all I wanted was someone in my life. 
Fast forward to four years ago today, June 12th, 2010. I was going on a date with a guy I had met a couple of times back home while he was seeing a friend of mine. We had exchanged Facebook pleasantries on my imminent Chicago arrival and that had been about it. He was a few years younger than I and I had always been more into older fellows but it was so rare that anyone had ever asked me out on a date that I said yes. This is still the best first date I have ever been on. And, while things did not work out for us romantically, I think everyone knows that Michael and I are the very best and most loyal of friends.
Typically, I find the dating anniversary to be a silly one. It's never been all that important to me, more of a Hallmark celebration than anything else. So why is this anniversary so very important to me? Because four years ago today, my life was forever changed in all of the best ways. I not only finally had someone but lots of someones that wanted to spend time with me. The people that I have been introduced to over the past four years are the best things that have ever happened to me. I, an unrelenting tomboy who had all of four close female friends in the first 25 years of my life, have a group of lady friends that I can talk to about anything and can trust to have my back. I have friends who are intellectually stimulating on a vast array of knowledge bases. I have friends that share my interests and world views. I have friends that have made me part of their family.
Even more than all of this, I have been motivated by this amazing group of people to step out of my shell and be comfortable in my own skin. I have pursued new interests and excelled at the classes I'm taking toward my degree in psychology. I have sought treatment for anxiety and depression and conquered fears that I never thought I'd be able to overcome. I am changed in all ways for the better. I  am no longer that scared, overwhelmed, lonely girl. And I could never be more grateful for the life that I have.
So thank you, moopit, and happy un-anniversary. 

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