Thursday, January 24, 2013

A rant on bullying/bullies

I've had this on my mind for awhile with no way of getting it off of my chest so here goes. Let me start out by saying I am not a proponent of bullying. I think it is a major problem in this country and needs to be addressed by everyone strong enough to stand up and fight for the people being bullied. I, personally, never had a problem with bullying. I was small but perfectly capable of kicking your ass if you tried to physically bully me and everyone knew it. When people would try to verbally bully me, I was too logical to let it hit home. I specifically remember one guy in 6th grade who made fun of me for weeks for misspelling a word in the spelling bee (where I came in fourth place in the whole school). This boy never even attempted to be in the spelling bee, probably had no idea what the word I misspelled even meant, and wore shorts every day even in the dead of Illinois winter. Twelve-year-old me didn't think his opinion was worthy of my self-doubt. I realize that everyone does not have that luxury. 
However, there is a group of people that, until my recent break up, I spent a large amount of time with. A few of them were very verbal (quite often) about being bullied as children and how it had affected them and also morbidly gleeful when bad things would happen to their former antagonists. Firstly, get over it. You're nearly 30 and this happened over a decade ago. You are not currently being bullied, your life is not currently terrible, and there is no conceivable reason why you should bring it up nearly every time there is a large group of people to listen to your sob story. Second, how does it make you any better than them when you wish bad things upon them? I can honestly say that there is no one that I truly hate or wish ill upon. It does you no good to hang on to anger and really just ruins your own personal karma and other people's opinions of you. 
Third, and most personal, you have become what you hate. These same people are a particularly surreptitious group of snobby elitists. They are incredibly unwelcoming to people outside of their own personally selected group and, even after two and a half years, would not invite a person's significant other to a party. I have watched them attend a person's birthday party where there were several individuals from outside of their clique. Instead of using the opportunity to meet someone new or join in a conversation that they may not have otherwise had, they sequestered themselves off in rooms by themselves and talked to each other. Some of them have even been rude enough to walk around a group of people saying "hello" or "goodbye" to every single person and skipping over me because I am no longer their friend's girlfriend (so apparently that means common courtesy can now be ignored). I find all of these behaviors appalling and have had conversations with several mutual friends who feel the same way. My big questions are, 1) Why does no one call them on it? and, 2) Why doesn't everyone see it and stop hanging out with them?  
Take a stand, never allow other people's low opinion of you become your reality, and fight back against discrimination.


  1. I feel the same as you, and while it may not be visible, such activities have lost said people friends over the past few years.

  2. It's good to know that I'm not just overreacting. It's bothered me the whole time I've known them but really started stinging over the past four months.
