Robitussin - Colds suck but Robitussin gives me a pleasant hour or two break from the yuck.
Sleep - I may have slept straight through the alarm this morning but, while I don't necessarily feel healthier, I definitely feel well-rested.
Flexible Employers - That don't get mad at you because the cold meds make you sleep through the alarm.
U Choir - I know I mentioned this once already this week but Saturday night's concert was just truly amazing. It was great to see Brenna, Sissy, and Dr. Holmes up there performing and amazing to see all of my MU choir friends and just made that little ache in my soul that just wants to sing all day long full of love for the beautiful music.
Cuddly Puppies - My dog always seems to know when I just can't handle that much from her (when I'm sick or massively depressed) so last night instead of chasing the cat around the apartment or barking at the upstairs neighbors she curled up in my lap and let me doze instead of having to expend energy scolding her.
Meditation - I started doing a nightly meditation at the beginning of the year and it started out at 5 minutes because that was as long as I could sit in silence without my brain exploding but I've gotten up to 15 and it's starting to be one of the nicest parts of the day.
Losing inches - So I stopped stepping on a scale awhile ago because it was so frustrating to see the same 140-145 every single time. No matter how much different my body felt I never lost any poundage. At the beginning of the month, I decided to just start measuring every few weeks and I've already lost an inch on my waist this year. I also finally got my hair cut to the length I wanted it at the beginning of the year (I love Dan Aquato).
The inner metronome - Over the holidays, I had this truly lovely conversation with my friend, Grant, that I love to pass along. He recently spent a few months performing in a show in NYC and was telling me how much he loves it there and that he thinks everyone has an inner metronome and it's important to find a city to live in that matches that beat, which is how I've always felt about Chicago, I just never could have put it so well.
Support - No matter how crappy I'm feeling, it's great that I'm surrounded with so many people that are always there to build me up and give me support just when I need it most.
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