Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Hypocrisy of Tolerance

This will be a blog heavy week, I apologize in advance but I have a lot to say and I'll try to spread it out over a few days. 

It's been a weird kind of week on the internet between the Sullivan Indiana fiasco and the pope resigning. Sadly, I'm noticing a trend that I really wish I wasn't. I find it really disturbing that my same close friends that have been posting about their outrage with Diana Medley and the Sullivan High School anti-gay prom are the same people who also posted such things as "My Darwin shark ate your Jesus fish" or "Maybe it's time we stopped having a pope". My dear friends, tolerance is not limited to your particular cause or lifestyle. I realize that I am probably taking my life into my hands addressing any of these topics but c'est la vie.

Religion. I, personally, have not been any practicing religion in many years. I just don't buy it. I have my own personal set of beliefs and practices and I don't feel the need to go around telling everyone about them because they are mine, it's no one else's business and I don't need justification or flack for something that does not belong to someone else. I expect the same tolerance and respect from everyone else. I am happy for you if going to church every week and Sunday school and reading your bible works for you. I am equally happy for you if you don't believe in a higher power and think that all the phenomenon and beauty of the world is explained by science. However, I do not appreciate the constant need to force that opinion down other people's throat and both extremes are equally guilty. It is absolutely offensive that you feel the need to tell other people what they should or should not believe in. 

Politics. Democrats: please stop telling Republicans they're wrong about everything. Republicans: please stop telling Democrats they're wrong about everything. I feel like a mom telling her kids to stop hitting each other but here's the deal: it is highly unlikely that anyone's political beliefs are 100% correct. Also, the president is just a guy doing the best job he can with a truly shitty job, there will never be a president that makes 100% of the population happy, and, if it's your turn to be in the minority, take it like an adult and realize that it will not always be the case. In addition, please please please stop calling President Obama a socialist or communist unless you have actually taken the time to research what those words actually mean. Trust me, I consider myself a socialist and there are many things the president and I do not agree upon.

Guns. While I do not see the reason for any human being to own an automatic weapon or excessive amounts of ammo, I also think the crazy people who are going to go on shooting sprees are already planning to do something illegal so it doesn't really matter how many regulations are placed on guns, if they want one they'll probably find one. On the other hand, pro-gun folks, if the president puts regulations on guns, he is not stepping on your rights. You will still be able to buy guns, you will still be able to hunt or go to the shooting range, you just might have to fill out a little extra paperwork. I promise it won't kill you but it could save a small child's life so chill out and get a little perspective. 

Abortion. Pro-lifers: don't get an abortion, no one will think less of you, but stop assuming that you know someone else's reason for making a difficult decision to the contrary. You do not know someone's background or circumstances and it is never your decision what someone else does with their own body. Also, if you want to help ensure there are less abortions, why don't you start advocating abstinence awareness programs and making birth control more readily available for everyone? The more we educate our children and make preventative options available to them, the less we will have to worry about unplanned pregnancies and what decisions will have to be made about them.

Bigotry. I wish it wasn't true but this country still has not conquered racism (and all races are guilty of it in some way) but the way the country has been treating anyone who is different is appalling. The bullying and child suicides are getting out of control. And the gay rights movement is a thing that should just not need to exist. We've already been through this before with women and African-Americans, how is it we still haven't figured it out? If you don't want to marry someone from a different race, then don't. If you don't want to marry someone of the same sex, then don't. BUT DON' TELL OTHER PEOPLE WHO THEY ARE ALLOWED TO LOVE. This is a really simple concept, other people's lifestyle choices and sexual identities do not affect you in any way, they're just people trying to do the exact same things you're trying to do in life.

Your religious beliefs or non-beliefs are not better than anyone else's, your political beliefs are not better than anyone else's, your opinions on gun-control and abortion should not affect how other people live their lives, and your bigotry should stay in the privacy of your own home so that everyone in this country is allowed to have equal opportunities. Your beliefs are yours. Own them, be proud of them but do not expect everyone else to share them. We will never have a truly tolerant society until everyone learns to live and let live but, for now, stop talking the talk if you're not willing to walk the walk.

1 comment:

  1. "your political beliefs are not better than anyone else's, your opinions on gun-control and abortion should not affect how other people live their lives"

    I can't really agree with these, mainly because there are facts and both sides do not have an equal distribution of them.

    The world would be better if people were less self-assured about some things and more self-assured about others, though.
