hair cuts - Well, the fabulous cut Michael gave me in July was still going strong but had gotten a little long for my taste. Also, as nice as it is to be able to just shave the underneath on my own, I just don't do as great of a job. So thanks to the wonderful Dan who cleaned me up and didn't give me too much crap for getting my hair done elsewhere.
big anniversaries - As many of you know, relationships have never really been my strong suit and I have very few people in my life that, even if they've made it many years down the road, that I consider to be great role models of good relationships. However, last week my dear friends, Tim and Sarah, celebrated their tenth wedding anniversary. They are both amazing people and wonderful parents and, even though I'm sure their relationship takes work, they are always kind to each other and give me something that I aspire to some day.
poking the bear - Saturday night's LARP was highly amusing in many ways but making my friend Ryan's character super angry and sputtering in rage for a good 15 minutes was absolutely the highlight of the week. He's so cute when he's angry.
last race of the year - After a long day and very little sleep, I got up Sunday morning and ran the Hot Chocolate 5K in downtown Chicago. The truth is I haven't been training for it like I had planned and it wasn't a great race. My left leg seized up about five minutes in and didn't really feel like cooperating the rest of the race so I took a lot of walking breaks and had what is likely my most abysmal race time since high school. However, this was the race that I started back to running with last year and I finished and I'm going to try to train more for when I start race season back up next spring with the Cinco de Miler.
equality - So with the Affordable Care Act finally giving my sister some health insurance she can manage to pay for already making my year, Illinois finally went and did something right by passing the Marriage Equality Bill on Tuesday. The thing is I believe in every form of equality. I think that everyone in the entire world should have equal access to marriage, health care, good education, three square meals, homes with roofs that don't leak and stay cool in the summer and warm in the winter, and anything else they could possibly need to get by. Call me a socialist and I will wear your badge with pride but for now I'll be over here doing my happy dance for all of my friends that are soon going to be having way cooler weddings than the rest of us.
babies - Dear lord all of my friends have adorable children. Watching all of your fabulous Halloween pictures go up last week was pretty "awww"-inspiring (see what I did there?). However, right now I'm getting super excited for the presence of two little end of winter/beginning of spring time babies: my friends Dann and Elise will be having a little boy and my coworker Heather is expecting a little girl. I can't wait to see their tiny, kissable faces!
therapy - I've been doing the Cymbalta thing for a little over a year now and, while I've had a pretty drastic change, I feel like things could be better. And the truth is I really don't want to be on meds the rest of the life. So yesterday I met with my new psychologist and I'll be starting on CBT to see if I can't get myself a little more cheerful and a little less sleepful.
compliments - It's been a pretty good week for random compliments. Particularly amazing to me because I've felt pretty lousy and exhausted for a few weeks now and all I see when I look in the mirror is my paler than usual skin, the dark circles under my eyes, and the extra weight I've been slowly adding on as I haven't had time or money to get to my regular exercise routines. Don't get me wrong, I'm used to my friends and family always being willing to remind me how awesome I am but it's even better when it's someone else. To start off with, we are relatively certain that Ivy was trying to brush her little wisps of hair down into her face to have bangs like me which was ridiculously endearing. The same night, two separate random guys on the street stopped me to tell me I was beautiful. Then, over the course of advising week, I've had several students come in that hadn't seen me yet this year and told me how cool my hair cut was. It definitely helped put the rest of my issues out of my mind and remember they're what I see and not what everyone else sees.
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