Thursday, September 11, 2014

Things I Love Thursday

dragon con - I have loved the con scene since I started going to Wizard World four years ago. This year, I went bigger and better and flew down to Atlanta to spend four gorgeous days at Dragon Con with my cousin, Heather. All of the con goers that I encountered were respectful of each other and the city and the staff of all of the hotels and local businesses. I went to panels on puppetry, makeup design, and voice acting. I went to Buffy trivia and Doctor Who discussions. I met Amy Acker and Todd McIntosh. I went to panels with J. August Richards, Emma Caulfield, Julie Benz, and Cary Elwes. I got tons of free swag. This kind of event with nerds en masse just makes my skin tingle and smile a little bit bigger.

my ob/gyn - I know this is a little weird to say but the truth is I have never been comfortable in a doctor's office. I have a very hard time talking about my physical self and that goes double at the lady's doctor. However, my doc (and her RN and her front desk staff) is just the kindest woman and has put me at ease ever since the first time I walked into her office. It's good to be able to trust your medical team.

pushing my limits - I tried to do a half marathon on Sunday. I really only ended doing about a 15K and didn't get in nearly as much running as I would have liked due to a terrible lack of training, being sick and sore from my previous weekend trip, and a summer of way too much indulgence. But now I know where my current limit is. Just how far I can push myself. So now I know what to aim on breaking over the next year.

my support system - Summer was rough and I had a bit of a breakdown Monday night. And nearly every person who is important to me came through with flying colors and set me back on my feet. I got words of support, pictures of boobs, and the moopit bought me dinner and spent the evening binge watching True Detective with me. I'm incredibly lucky to have them all.

dive bars and good friends - I spent all of last night drinking cider and shooting the shit with the Tinsleys. It was great conversation and the awesome bartender enjoyed talking to us so much that she gave us a round on her. The lovely walk through the suddenly cool fall air of Chicago was pretty great too.

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