Thursday, December 11, 2014

Things I Love Thursday

getting spoiled by my bff - A few of us ladies had a particularly shitty Thanksgiving so my wonderful moopit took us out Friday night. Drinks and cheese at Eno, amazing dinner at Purple Pig, and a movie. I felt much loved and in a way better mood by the end of the evening.

birdman - I know this movie isn't going to be for everyone and it's going to get a lot of varying reviews but I loved it and thought it was brilliant. There are some truly beautiful shots and the acting is incredible. Not everyone was in agreement on what the movie was about but I also think that's one of the things that make it so good.

serious conversations - You know, about the future and...stuff. I admittedly spent a large amount of the weekend absorbed in these kind of conversations and they're not that scary and I really like where they seem to be headed. There's a lot of work to do but I'm okay with it.

cranberry bread - Oh man, our new dean in training is kind of awesome and brought us all a loaf of cranberry bread last week. I proceeded to eat a half of a loaf in one sitting this weekend and I seriously needs the recipe.

origami - I just kind of recently (as in last weekend) got back into this. I forgot how calming it is for me to just sit and fold paper for awhile. But, um, now I need more paper...

end of the quarter - My finals are about to be all turned in and I am done with classes until January 5th, this is incredibly wonderful. Now I can focus on studying for the College Mathematics and learning some useful German.

no staff meetings until January - These are such a weird time suck during my day. Sometimes they are useful, most weeks they're...not. It will be lovely to just have that hour back on Thursdays for a few weeks.

being able to give a student good news - Seriously, guys, this NEVER happens. I'm the one that emails students and tells them they're on probation or that they screwed up and can't graduate. But today a student came in hyperventilating and crying because she couldn't locate her final. Turns out she was six hours early not fifteen minutes late and telling her that and giving her a hug kind of made my day.

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