I don't really do New Year's resolutions. Mostly because I feel that any time you resolve to make a change in your life should be the time you start, whether it be December 29th or February 4th. But there is a lot to do this year and a lot I plan on accomplishing and so much that I have to be thankful for from the past year. So let's start with a little gratitude.
I am extremely grateful for:
Moopit - He is the best friend a gal could ask for. He will totally pet sit for me when I have to leave town for a family emergency even when he is going through an equally shitty week, bring me pain killers when I don't have time to stop at home between afternoon and evening plans, take me out for a nice dinner with friends because I had a shitty week, and give as much as he gets in the "giving each other shit" category.
My mommy - She is constantly supportive of my decisions and full of encouragement when I'm having a tough time. She makes sure I am full of tasty food whenever I see her, watches my pup when I'm going to be out of town too much to pay the dog sitter, and gets me things I actually need/want for Christmas (I love my new fitbit and I can't wait to try out my new baking pans and wear my new work pants). I wouldn't be able to do any of the things I do without her behind me.
My sister - She is the most lovely, kind, and talented person I know. She downloads an external hard drive full of great TV that she thinks I need to watch, crochets me super warm winter accessories, and paints beautiful artwork that I hang in my house. Life isn't always easy for her but she keeps going and works hard and I have more respect for that than for people that are always whining about things in their relatively simple lives. She is a rock and I am always amazed by and proud of her.
My soldier - Seriously this guy, I can't say enough great things about this guy. One day I'm just going to explode rainbows and sprinkles killing everyone with happiness within a mile radius because this guy just makes me sparkle inside. (please feel free to go receive yourself, I make myself a little sick sometimes too) But this guy just gets me, supports my geeky habits by sending me awesome costume pieces, makes me laugh and smile and even tear up a little bit because he's so awesome, and even puts up with it when I Skype with my mouth full. I seriously cannot wait to see what the next few years have in store for us.
Anyone else in my life that has listened and been kind or supportive or encouraging or just plain loving because they knew I needed it. I am especially thankful for the extremely wonderful new friends I have made this past year and even a little grateful that I found out that some of my old friends were maybe not such good friends.
But this year is going to be a pretty big one:
I plan to make it to Europe at least twice this year
Want to get in at least 6 races and actually improve on my times from last year
I need to pass the College Mathematics CLEP with a 50 or higher
I plan to learn enough German to travel comfortably there this spring
I have 8 courses I'll be taking toward my degree this year and I want to be on the Dean's list as much as I can
I hope to finally get my work promotion through the system (ugh, red tape)
I may have some pretty lofty weight loss goals too but I'm keeping those to myself
This year is the last year before I finish my degree and after that there is a bend in the road. I'm pretty sure I know where it's heading and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a major transition and a wild ride but I'm really excited for a new adventure and quite possibly a new corner of the world. This is a year of hard work and enjoying what I can now and I'm pretty sure it's going to be a great one.
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