Thursday, March 21, 2013

Things I Love Thursday

Supportive communities - The amount of love and support I got from my last post was incredibly overwhelming and humbling. I hoped that sharing my story would help others who were to scared or ashamed to share their own and I never realized just how many people would rise up to support that and help to protect the victims.

New friends - My favorite part about making a new friend is learning all of the interesting things about them that make them unique. For that, especially, thanks to my new friend Barry for sharing and for the ride home from class Tuesday night.

Controversial topics - A couple of days ago I posted a question on facebook about why the election of the pope mattered so much to people who were not in fact religious. I wasn't trying to stir things up or tell them they didn't have a right to care but, having not been religious in over a decade, I was really interested. I love learning how other people think and why they feel the way they do. I also loved that most of my friends were respectful enough to state their opinions and leave and not attack the people who didn't agree with them.

Grubhub - When you are just too damn exhausted/busy/sick to cook, it is really nice that I can open up my phone and get someone to bring food for me.

Breathing through my nose - Today is the first day I have comfortably been able to do that in a week. It's amazing how much you forget every time you have a cold what a wonderful thing it is to breathe through your nose.

Mommy visits - Tomorrow my mom is picking me up from work and spending the next 24 hours with me, eating tasty food, drinking wine, and hanging out at my archery range. Yay!

Last day of class - Tonight is my last class this quarter. I still have to finish all of my papers and email them out by Saturday morning but I will finally be done with the quarter from hell.

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