Thursday, August 22, 2013

Things I Love Thursday

Babysitting - Friday night saw me down good old Hyde Park with Miss Ivy while mommy and daddy had a much-needed date night. We played all night, had dinner and bath time, I watched her laugh until she snorted, and show off all of her new words (including getting ever so better at my name, yay!). There was only a very small melt-down for mommy which was quickly solved by some cuddle time with Ivan (her monkey) and curling up in bed while she crashes out in my arms is pretty much still the best thing that ever happens.

UFC Night - Saturday night, Daniel and I curled up on the couch with Sarpino's and the UFC fights. This may sound super boring to a lot of my friends but I love watching the fights and spending time with my fella.

ZSNES - It's been years since I had a good old SNES emulator up and running on my computer. Last night, I sat out my insomnia with a rousing couple of hours of Bomberman, it was oddly comforting.

Witcher 2 - All I can say is where is Witcher 3? The abrupt end of the fantastic story has left me sadly anticipating the next in the series. 

Torchwood - Yeah, I know I'm way late to the game but I just started and boy, do I love having more Captain Jack than I know what to do with. Also, holy cow, this is way more terrifying than Doctor Who and I am super glad I haven't been watching this at night. 

1 comment:

  1. "ZSNES"

    Does that have save-state nowadays? I think I used to use it, but I switched to SNES9x a while (read: years) back.

