Friday, February 8, 2013

I Statements

I'm okay, really, but there are just some things I need to get off of my chest.

I don't have words for how much I miss my best friend.
I miss talking to him every day. 
I don't know how to go back or move forward.
I don't know what to feel or believe anymore.
I feel hurt because he walked away without a fight or even an apology.
I feel abandoned, forgotten, and unimportant.
I sometimes have a hard time not crying, which gets embarrassing in class, at work, or on the train.
I feel like we were so close to getting it right and something has gone horribly wrong in the world.
I feel angry that I was replaced so quickly.
I am upset that gave up so much to live with him, that he would make me feel guilty for taking up space in the house or if I tried to display any of my own household decor, or if my dog barked or my cat shed. 
I am outraged that he is displaying his new girlfriend's artwork in his home when he got upset with me for displaying my tasteful knickknacks on my nightstand.
I get furious when I think about how he never stood up for me when his friends were intentionally leaving me out of social events.
I'm inconsolably lonely.
I can't sleep without him.
I've never feel like it is impossible that I will ever connect with another person on that level.
I am terrified that I will be alone for the rest of my life.
I feel lied to because he told me he didn't want to date anyone anytime soon and could never be in a poly relationship and started dating a poly girl two weeks after I moved out.
I wonder if anything he ever told me was true and if he ever really loved me.
I'm scared this ache will never go away.
I'm scared it will and I'll be hurt by someone new.
I don't know what to do now.
I hate my life without him but I don't know how to be around him.
I feel stupid for having ever trusted him.
I pray every day for some kind of insight, a sign of what to do, a little bit of hope.
I'm losing faith.
I'm so lost.

1 comment:

  1. This end of a relationship, starting over time totally sucks for all those reasons and so many more. I find it rather shocking how much it still hurts everyday, and I know it is the right thing for me. I know it's hard for us to hang out, but if you need to chat don't hesitate to call.

    Love you,
